This weekend was held at the Horta Velodrome (Barcelona) the Catalonia Track Championship, organized by the Catalonian Federation of Cycling and with the support of Pista BCN Track Club.
During Friday and Saturday disputed the races of persecution, score and scratch for the resistance omnium; and 200m, 1km, speed and keirin for speed omnium. In addition, there were also American and category for adapted cycling.
The weekend was a success for track cycling in Catalonia. About 60 participants, lot of cycling clubs, onlookers and people who came to know a little more this wonderful sport that unfortunately many people still unknown it.
Male category
- Adrià Puig (Tomás Domingo
- Rubén Martínez (Huesca La Magia
- Oriol Beltrán (CC Mollet)
Female category
- Sandra Jordà (Probike)
- Alba Diez (Catalunya Track)
- Niknaz Faseli (Genesis)
Cadet male category
- Alejandro Sánchez (UC Vilanova)
Cadet female category
- Judit González (
Junio category
- Laura Méndez (PC Nicky´s)
Male category
- Itmar Esteban (Catalunya Track)
- Ferran López (Catalunya Track)
- Manel Usach (PC Ribera Ebre)
Female category
- Tamar Luque (Catalunya Track)
- Laura Méndez (PC Nicky´s)
Cadet male category
- Pol Hervàs (Tomás Domingo)
- Francesc Espurny i Oriol Beltran (CC Camp Clar i CC Mollet)
Male category
- Ramón Álvarez (Genesis)
Female category
- Raquel Acinas (Genesis)
Tandem category
- Josefa Benítez i Judit Masdeu (Montcada)
We take this article to mention the Trophy City of Barcelona to be held on 6 September, coinciding with the 30th anniversary of the Horta Velodrome.
This championship include a race, unique in Spain, and that will serve for all the riders to accumulate points for the World Track Championship.
From RAW Cycling Mag want to take this opportunity to invite everyone to attend this great event and enjoy of this show.