Summer, good ambience and time of film festivals and, if there is one that we really like, that is the Rueda Film Festival.
The Festival was way over its first edition, comes again with energy, many news and, especially the best material selection for this year.
According to the Director of this festival, Amanda Sans, this year they have received more than 120 films of which some of them will be chosen for this new edition. With this number, is clear that the Rueda’s work team will have to make a great process of selection, see, analyze and discuss a to a to maintain the quality and the level that has had until now.
“Today any person is capable of taking a camera, go out to record and produce videos of high quality. There are many productions but we have to be careful to keep the level of this festival as it deserves.”
The feedback of the first year was more than positive and this has translated in a call much greater regard to its first edition, highlighting the increase of films arrived from Latin America and Europe.
As one of the news of this year, the Cines Texas will be its new headquarters for the festival, a great new, because this cinema has been selected as one of the best cinemas in Europe.
Another surprise of this Edition 2016 is the Rueda Kids, presenting us a special Saturday morning program destined to families with children and people of all the ages. Great initiative!
The Geocentrum, after seeing how the riders enjoyed (and suffered) in its first year, has become the main activity of the Festival. For this reason, on this occasion, it comes back with more strength and more fun: more difficulty, more distance, more participants and many more prizes.
Joining the race, we will also have the Rider Market, Bike Polo Tournament, an exhibition in collaboration with Dibuja y Pedalea where we can find illustrations by renowned draft people and also people of the street, a round table in which will be treated themes very interesting and a high level closing festival party.
With all these ingredients is difficult to get something badly. So only we have to wait for the day, 06th of October, and ensure that our agendas are total free to enjoy of this great cyclist cinema festival.