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DSNV RUNS JAPAN: Just speechless

Friends, I am going to say you that I’m from the 80’s, Super Mario Bros, of those dancers attached to the walkman, of those who used the pen to rewind the tape faster and of those who rent “Back to the future” on VHS. I am a wistful of my childhood memories.

What do I mean by this? Well, a week ago, in presenting DSNV RUNS JAPAN by our friends Dosnoventa and LACOSTE LIVE!, I teleported myself briefly to those incredible years, thanks to the incredible video of the latest adventure of our friends in the Land of the Rising Sun.

The great team of filmakers formed by Sergi Castellà (co-director), Xavi Trilla (editor) and Hector Ferreño (co-director), made the right decision to capture the adventure in a special format, a mix of digital and analog, giving an old school touch that gives us goosebumps when we see the final result.

It was not only let’s go to show our video, otherwise the video was the icing on the cake to close a launch party in which there was no lack of details

The exclusive party could only go a few and always by invitation. At the entrance were delivering a cloth bag special edition Dosnoventa composed of a DSNV RUNS JAPAN T-shirt, Lacoste live! polo T-shirt, and a personalized scarf with a Japanese haiku, all together has been received by the guests, grinning from ear to ear.

To accompany the wait, estrella Damm beers and a special cocktail made with whiskey Jameson were served; for one night, the workshop “of the dreams” became a full-fledged bar.

After the expected presentation of the video and let us in shock, sushi was served as a appetizer; it has been prepared nothing more and nothing less by one of the best in the matter in Barcelona, Nakashita Sushi Factory, stylistically perfect and really exquisite.

The fact is that Dosnoventa parties are always maintained to the last detail, but this time was different, an evening ten!

Hopefully these guys continue seeding success and events like these in Barcelona do not stop.


Three, two, one … Action! To be honest the 6min17s of the DSNV RUNS JAPAN fly super fast. Once again they have done it again.

The 150 guests stayed with their eyes glued on the giant screen installed in the headquarters, and at the end of the video playback, all looked at each other with a silly smile on his face … What a crazy! We want to see it again!

Some people are content to do what everyone does, and some others, either by attitude or inspiration, always get something new and different

The pace of the film is wicked, a shot of adrenaline after another interspersed with amazing spots from Tokyo and Osaka. Awesome is the contrast between recordings with camera Hi8, typical of the 90’s, and digital recordings in perfect FullHD.

At the beginning it’s a bit hard, but as the minutes pass it hooks you completely. Hats off before the team filmakers and photography, technically the video is perfect and flawless. The protagonists? Uri, Juan, Juanma and Dani, accompanied by Brotures homies, Naoya Himashiro and Yuday Fukui. The focus was? Dosnoventa and its concept represented by the creators of the project; the film has captured the essence of Dosnoventa and is a clear picture that conveys the brand and its lifestyle., the essence unfiltered and without dialogue.

It will be impossible that this video leaves you indifferent. We go crazy for it!


Dosnoventa has dedicated his latest DSNV RUNS JAPAN to his good friend Steve Hed, who died prematurely at the age of 59 years last November 26th and has supported them since the start of the Barcelona brand.

Steve was an innovator in the field of aerodynamics and production of carbon wheels. Some of his ideas radically revolutionized the way people build carbon wheels. Everyone knows HED, but who knew Steve miss his way of being direct and honest, his different way of business understanding (created his fortune starting with a bit), his passion for what he did, push him to find new and different solutions.

The entire cycling world stood to send regards to Steve, from RAW, we would like to make him a humble and small tribute. R.I.P Steve.

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