Almost a year ago of the debut of Jasmine Dotti in the RHC Milano with a spectacular performance and the young Italian has not stopped since then. She’s one of them protagonists of the women’s scene of the fixed gear world, winning several national criterium in Italy, get the podium in RHC and others international racings, in addition she won the Fixed 42 World Championship of Berlin organized by our friends of RAD RACE.
“I am a girl of 23 years, blond, smiling and simple.” How am I in the race? I have no idea, to be honest. I like feeling the adrenaline, go fast and suffer… When am going slowly I get bored!”
From the road cycling to the fixed gear, in these last years the crits have returned very popular and have won recognition of other disciplines of the cycling, attract attention of many athletes who have decided to find new challenges in this emerging mode.
“I had the first contact with the criteriums in England where I raced in road bike. I approached the fixed-gear world thanks to the perseverance of Luca Oscar, he always told me that I could do well in this discipline and, apparently, he was right he, he he. Thanks to Luca I participated in the Red Hook Criterium in Milan last year and thanks to that and what I lived in that race, I’m still racing in this discipline.”
The World Series RHC has a great number of fans. In short you have become a familiar face on the scene of the criterium. How do you manage it?
“For me the most important is keeping enjoying, I’m not so much affected by these things. I think that be faithful to you and to what you’re in these situations, it’s the best that you can do.”
BERLIN FIXED 42 is without a doubt the great triumph of Jasmine from this year…
“Berlin has been a fantastic experience. The race in my opinion is unique by its 42 km fully online travel. From the race I remember the last line in which we all came together in a group and win to sprint across the finish line in first place… wow, it was amazing! I will never forget this feeling. Just to finish, I ran to hug my partner, when still neither of both could believe what had happened.
Wearing the winner colours of the 42 Fixed it is like a dream coming true and additionally, we also won as a team.”
Women’s Crit. What kind of atmosphere do you breathe?
“It is very nice to find girls from all parts of the world, live and share the same passion; although at the time of the race we are all fighting to each other, ready to give everything.”
An advice for aspiring riders…
“My advice is not to forget the importance of the enjoyment and fun. In the majority of cases we talk about young girls and keep a spirit positive and of fun to the competition, as something that you away of the stress of each day, that with constancy, they can get to race to very high levels.”
Thanks to…
“A huge thank you goes to my boyfriend Daniele, who helps me a lot in the day to day, he is always there! I think I’m a great lucky to be able to share this passion with him.
A thank you goes also to my family, parents and grandparents, and to all my team that gives me the opportunity to live this dream.
A special mention to my coach Paolo, who has given me the chance to grow a lot in the last few months.
Last but not less important, to all the Oscar Cycling where I found a great group of friends.”